Just Rodney...

I'm a 24, a teacher, and these are some of my thoughts. I'd love to hear your comments - hopefully their nice ones - but I'll take anything.

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Location: Tomball, Texas, United States

Sunday, January 21, 2007

California People I forgot!

Fred and Kathy!
I work with Kathy and go to their house on Wed. nights to play with a bunch of people. We play old fiddle tunes and stuff like that. It's a blast. Kathy plays the standup base, fred is one of the best fiddle/mandolin players I've ever met, and they're are a bunch of others too!

Morris Nursery
I worked at the Nursery since '99. It's a great job (despite all the bickering we did!). Ron & Dave took good care of me and provided me a flexible way to work while going to school. I love all the staff there (except Matt Tanis - that guys a jerk). Please pray, the Nursery burned down last Sunday - it's been there about 30 years! My boss was injured, but I think he's ok, I just hope that the place is up and running soon.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

People I know and am thankful for PART 3 BABY!!! TEXAS EDITION!!!

This entire chapter would not be possible if it weren't for Ken and Becky. They have taken me into their home for next to nothing! Becky has been wonderful - she does so many nice things for me. Sometimes I come home late at night and find the lamp in my room left on. She explained to me that the light is for when I come home drunk (easy modesto people....I don't get drunk every night, just sometimes...ok, now modesto people are trying to figure out if im joking or serious!). Ken and Becky have kinda taken me in as their Texas son - at least that's how I see it. They even let me go to Texas A&M games with them(freakin' awesome! Ken's sister's family is loads of fun!). It's been wonderful living here and I can't say how blessed I am to have Ken and Becky in my life and helping me along my journey. It's one thing to get to spend time with a mentor every now and then, it's another to get to live life in the same house with him. Thanks for everything - you guys are soooo generous! I love you.
ABBY! Abby is Ken and Becky's daughter who moved back after she graduated from college. She's like a sister to me. We love cherry coke.

This is the part where Juli starts to dial my number on her cell phone to ask why Ryan is listed before her on my blog. GET OVER IT SISTER!!!! HE'S A DUDE!!! Ryan and I hit it off from the start. I met him when I came to visit texas for the first time. I was totally wasted - yah...I had an entire new castle that night, crazy eh! Anyways, I love to goof off on the guitar with Ryan then head outside to smoke a bowl and have a good conversation. Ryan also lives with his pastor so we're both blessed to have such great mentors and people that love us and are helping us on our journey. I love you man! You've help make Texas home for me - because nowhere is home without the right people there with you.

Alright - it's juli's turn. Juli and ryan are my best friends here in texas. During the summer we all hung out as much as we could. We just about died when the school started - they both had to go to school (plus they started dating! Yep, that's right...i'm the third wheel guy!). If I didn't know for a fact that I had such great friends here, I may have went back to Cali where I had an abundance of good friends - but turns out that God blesses me with great relationships wherever I go! Juli, Ryan...thanks for being awesome friends.

Darian & Felicia
Again - I'm blessed with great friends here in texas. Darian is a magician & a helicopter pilot. felicia's really good at texas hold'em and she sales cakes for weddings. Oh yah, felicia is one of the funniest/weirdest people i know. One time we went to austin to see this comedy/variety show called esters follies. It was pretty funny, but the car trip may have been the best part. We listened to Tenacious D most of the time. Felicia is the only girl that I know that actually enjoys Tenacious D(most can't even tolerate it!). Now they have moved to Tomball - I haven't been to their house yet, but I'm excited to go see them soon!

Tri & Steph
Tri & Steph went to Wellspring for a while, and even though they attend somewhere else, we hang out from time to time. Tri is also a helicopter pilot. He also does inlay work for guitars, he showed me the process, it's pretty cool stuff. I go to Tri and Stephs place to have a drink, smoke a cigar or pipe, and watch a man movie (jackass, jackass 2, etc). They have a little girl named Annalee and a brand new baby boy named Ivee (it's supposed to be like IV because his daddy is the III so he is now the IV!) Steph is gracious enough to welcome me into her home and spend some time with her husband every now and then. Thanks for everything guys!

My Broseph
That's right...David Allen! This guy is my official Texas brother. Now that I don't work at mainstreet I don't see him as often, but hopefully we'll get to hang out more in the future. David is a gamer - this dude knows a lot about WOW and all the other cool computer games. He also is a freakin' gymaholic, the dude is ripped. David and I have had a lot of good conversations. Much love broseph!

Juli Blick
Juli lived with us for several months. She is from Australia, but lives all over the world - I believe she spends most of her time working in London, and going to school in Australia. She is one of the most kind, generous people I know. She spent a lot of time working though some emergent church issues with us. The thing I remember being on her heart was the need for better communication between the established church and the emergent church. Your a true sister! Come back to texas to see us!

Kevin & Dee
I love these guys...well, I love Dee and I tolerate Kevin. Kevin sorta gets on my nerves, but I know I'm supposed to treat people like him as if he were Jesus (I'm certain Kevin isn't jesus!). Just kidding, you know I love you Kev. They have a daughter that is loads of fun to play with - all of us at wellspring claim her as our own! Juli and I just went to their house the other night to hang out, they have a really nice place(they just moved in!). Kev plays hand percussion at church and Dee usually leads us in the Jesus Creed. I'm grateful to have them in my life.

Karen is Jesus. Yep, that's what most of us at Wellspring have figured. She's such a healthy person: She lives for good things (like working behind the scenes to help people with HIV/AIDS), she lives in the moment, she has mastered the art of celebration, and yet she journeys with us dorks at wellspring (I know...just because I'm a dork doesn't mean everyone at wellspring is!). Karen, thanks for making my life richer. I need to come spend more time with you in H-town! This is a picture of Karen with her best friend Roger(cool guy that has been a great encouragement to me in Texas!).

His real name is Julius, but his initials are JAM, so everyone calls him Jam. I met Jam at the coffee shop I used to work for, then we started playing music together. He and his drummer were looking for a bass player, I flew home, visited with some friends and famliy, grabbed my bass and headed back to texas ready to rock out! We are still trying to finish a recording project we started before our drummer moved to New York(he does most of the work). We've had a lot of good times and good conversations along the way. He's made my life richer and my perspective broader, and I think I've done the same for him - it's a mutual thing.

My community: Ken, Becky, Abby, Pat, Juli Cool, Juli Allen, Kev & Dee, John G, The Kill-a-brews, Don, Mark, The Ko-vars!(you guys rock, we're blessed to have you in our community!), James & Fran (recently started joining us for thursday nights)! And everyone else that comes to wellspring! You're the reason I moved to Texas! Woo!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

More people to be thankful for in California...(continued)

Brian L.
Brian is yet another person that I would consider my best friend (that's right..I'm defying the laws of best friendship and pronouncing multiple best friends!). Brian helped convert me from the lame skinny kid that wants to be a nike-wearing jock-headed cool guy into the lame, nerdy, listens-to-ska-music, wears converse (before they were cool...that's right - we wore them when it wasn't cool because we are cool!). Brian and I have since then moved to opposite sides of the country(me in cali and brian in new york), and then flip-flopped again with Brian moving back to cali and me in Texas. Brian and I used to sit in our garages for hours playing earth angel on our guitars because it was one of the only songs we knew. Brianism: Dude! If we were both chics I would totally make out with you! **As the elevator door opens** "Screw homicidal tendencies! I'm getting off this medication tomorrow!"

The Werners
Specifically Caden Werner. I was his friend in the disguise of a youth pastor. I taught him how to play power chords on the guitar and he loved me for it. This kid is great and has a great family. His family treats me like I'm their other older son. Amber, his sister, is great too! I miss all of them and am grateful to have had them in my life.

Daniel B.
Daniel B is one of the weirdest people I know. He is an electrition and a very generous person. Some of my favorite memories of Daniel were on our great roadtrips to the great white north. We also taped people reading a great deal of Jane Austin's pride and prejusdice to give to our friend sarah for christmas. It was pretty much the best christmas present ever. Most importantly, Daniel listened to me when I needed to vent about church stuff. I went through some pretty rough times at my old church, and I needed somebody to let me spit out what was in my head. Thanks Daniel.

I started hangin' out with rhiannon because I had heard she had some similar struggles. We both came to a point where we felt we needed to leave our churches and eventually moved on. I actually started attending a church called new hope with her - it's a pretty cool church. They have some folks that help out prostitutes on 9th street. It's a great thing, they're loving people that most churches won't come near. Rhiannon also let me vent, and I in return listened to some of her stuff - we both needed someone that understood or at least kinda-sorta resonated. Now she's gearin' up to go to a DTI (YWAM stuff). It's like a long discipleship program - she'll learn a lot and get to serve a lot of people in need. I'm really happy for her, it's been a dream of her's for a long time and I hope she gets to go soon!

I know I probably left somebody from california out...so I'm sorry. Maybe if you leave me a nasty comment I'll repost with your name and how I know you on it! Peace! Now it's time for texas people!